Wednesday, August 31, 2016

#VMworld Exclusive Interview with @VirtualStef by @podoherty

Sr. EUC Architect at VMware Stephane Asselin, is now part of the customer success team. As part of Sanjay's (@spoonen) strategic innitiative, a team was created to help ensure customers can realize the vision of Workspace One. VMware wants cradle to grave support for customers deploying Workspace One. Working with strategic customers, Stephane and team will quarterback the migration to Workspace One.


Customers who have invested in Workspace One want that single pane for end user services. After customers complete their initial use cases, Stephane and team will help them to derive the full value of the suite. Being part of the EUC Business Unit, they also have direct access to product engineering to ensure any feature requests can be considered and potentially adopted.

According to Stephane, there is a big difference between adopting the vision and setting up the software. Interest has been strong but they really want customers to make the solution strategic within their organization. The struggle with complete adoption is not the technology, it is both robust and mature. It is trying to change the existing enterprise legacy environments and the disruptive nature of the technology when implemented properly. Getting users who are comfortable in a PC environment to adopt a hybrid mobile strategy can be difficult. Although it a vast improvement to their workday, it is still change.

Every customer approaches Workspace One differently; some will implement AirWatch and then add Workspace One to it. For these folks the application lifecylce management and application catalog can be confusing. For traditional VDI users, it is a matter of getting comfortable with the idea of presenting a integrated catalog of View, Enterpise Apps, SaaS and Cloud applications.

"We reach two different worlds; AirWatch customers wanting to do more; or Horizon customers who are used to the virtual desktop presentation, understanding the need for catalogs."

The team is aggressive and want to make sure customers are successful, so customers who are interested should contact their VMware Account Rep or VMware Partners if they are interested in the program.

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